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Task(id, name, description, community, creator, created, slots_available, slots_taken, visibility, location_type, location, geolocation, regularity, thumbnail, thumbnail_blurhash, contact_email, contact_phone, deleted_at)

type Task {
id: UUID!
name: String!
description: String!
space: Space!
creator: User!
created: DateTime!
slotsAvailable: Int!
slotsTaken: Int!
visibility: VisibilityType!
locationType: LocationType!
location: String
regularity: Regularity!
skills: [Skill!]!
thumbnail: String
thumbnailBlurhash: String
contactEmail: String!
contactPhone: String
geolocation: GeolocationPoint

Fields ● UUID! non-null scalar ● String! non-null scalar

Task.description ● String! non-null scalar ● Space! non-null object

Task.creator ● User! non-null object

Task.created ● DateTime! non-null scalar

Task.slotsAvailable ● Int! non-null scalar

Task.slotsTaken ● Int! non-null scalar

Task.visibility ● VisibilityType! non-null enum

Task.locationType ● LocationType! non-null enum

Task.location ● String scalar

Task.regularity ● Regularity! non-null enum

Task.skills ● [Skill!]! non-null object

Task.thumbnail ● String scalar

Task.thumbnailBlurhash ● String scalar

Task.contactEmail ● String! non-null scalar

Task.contactPhone ● String scalar

Task.geolocation ● GeolocationPoint object

Returned By

createTask mutation ● taskById query ● updateTask mutation

Member Of

Space object ● TaskPaged object