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Comment(id, commentable_type, commentable_id, parent_comment, created, modified, commenter, text, language_code, is_edited, is_deleted)

type Comment {
id: UUID!
text: String!
created: DateTime!
modified: DateTime!
mentions: [User]!
links: [LinkPreview]!
creator: User!
parentCommentId: UUID
replies: [Comment!]
reactions: ReactionCounts!
myReaction: ReactionCounts!
totalReplies: Int!
language: String

Fields ● UUID! non-null scalar

Comment.text ● String! non-null scalar

Comment.created ● DateTime! non-null scalar

Comment.modified ● DateTime! non-null scalar

Comment.mentions ● [User]! non-null object

Comment.links ● [LinkPreview]! non-null object

Comment.creator ● User! non-null object

Comment.parentCommentId ● UUID scalar

Comment.replies ● [Comment!] list object

Comment.reactions ● ReactionCounts! non-null object

Comment.myReaction ● ReactionCounts! non-null object

Comment.totalReplies ● Int! non-null scalar

Comment.language ● String scalar

Returned By

addComment mutation ● addReactionToComment mutation ● commentById query ● removeReactionFromComment mutation

Member Of

Comment object ● Commentable object ● CommentPaged object