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FeedPost(id, title, slug, description, visibility, category, creator, created_at, image, image_blurhash, link_preview, language_code, location, geolocation, priority_duration)

type FeedPost {
id: UUID!
title: String
slug: String!
description: String!
location: String
linkPreview: LinkPreview
image: String
imageBlurhash: String
visibility: VisibilityLevel!
topics: [Topic!]
category: FeedPostCategory
creator: User
createdAt: String!
mentions: [User]
reactions: ReactionCounts!
myReaction: ReactionCounts!
totalComments: Int!
offset: Int! = 0
limit: Int! = 10
): UserPaged!
language: String
geolocation: GeolocationPoint
images: [FeedPostImage]

Fields ● UUID! non-null scalar

FeedPost.title ● String scalar

FeedPost.slug ● String! non-null scalar

FeedPost.description ● String! non-null scalar

FeedPost.location ● String scalar

FeedPost.linkPreview ● LinkPreview object

FeedPost.image ● String scalar

FeedPost.imageBlurhash ● String scalar

FeedPost.visibility ● VisibilityLevel! non-null enum

FeedPost.topics ● [Topic!] list object

FeedPost.category ● FeedPostCategory object

FeedPost.creator ● User object

FeedPost.createdAt ● String! non-null scalar

FeedPost.mentions ● [User] list object

FeedPost.reactions ● ReactionCounts! non-null object

FeedPost.myReaction ● ReactionCounts! non-null object

FeedPost.totalComments ● Int! non-null scalar

FeedPost.commenters ● UserPaged! non-null object

FeedPost.commenters.offset ● Int! non-null scalar
FeedPost.commenters.limit ● Int! non-null scalar

FeedPost.language ● String scalar

FeedPost.geolocation ● GeolocationPoint object

FeedPost.images ● [FeedPostImage] list object

Returned By

createFeedPost mutation ● post query ● updateFeedPost mutation ● updateFeedPostReaction mutation

Member Of

FeedItem object ● FeedPostPaged object

Implemented By

GenericPost union