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Post(id, title, text, created, modified, creator, comments_enabled, public_reactions, community, language_code, is_edited, is_closed, is_deleted, status, is_public)

type Post {
id: UUID!
title: String
text: String
created: DateTime!
modified: DateTime!
commentsEnabled: Boolean!
mentions: [User]!
links: [LinkPreview]!
isPublic: Boolean!
space: Space
creator: User!
inspirationPostCategory: InspirationPostCategory
image: PostImage
comments: [PostComment]!
numberOfComments: Int!
offset: Int! = 0
limit: Int! = 10
): UserPaged!
offset: Int! = 0
limit: Int! = 10
): UserPaged!
reactions: ReactionCounts!
myReaction: ReactionCounts!
language: String

Fields ● UUID! non-null scalar

Post.title ● String scalar

Post.text ● String scalar

Post.created ● DateTime! non-null scalar

Post.modified ● DateTime! non-null scalar

Post.commentsEnabled ● Boolean! non-null scalar

Post.mentions ● [User]! non-null object

Post.links ● [LinkPreview]! non-null object

Post.isPublic ● Boolean! non-null scalar ● Space object

Post.creator ● User! non-null object

Post.inspirationPostCategory ● InspirationPostCategory object

Post.image ● PostImage object

Post.comments ● [PostComment]! non-null object

Post.numberOfComments ● Int! non-null scalar

Post.involvedUsers ● UserPaged! non-null object

A list of all users involved. Author of the post plus all commenters

Post.involvedUsers.offset ● Int! non-null scalar
Post.involvedUsers.limit ● Int! non-null scalar

Post.commenters ● UserPaged! non-null object

Post.commenters.offset ● Int! non-null scalar
Post.commenters.limit ● Int! non-null scalar

Post.reactions ● ReactionCounts! non-null object

Post.myReaction ● ReactionCounts! non-null object

Only present, when the current user reacted to this post

Post.language ● String scalar

Returned By

createSpacePost2 mutation ● postById query ● updatePostReaction mutation ● updateSpacePost mutation

Member Of

CreatePostCommentOutput object ● FeedItem object ● Insight object ● NotificationOptions object ● PostComment object ● PostPaged object

Implemented By

GenericPost union