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type AppVolunteering_Engagement {
id: String
title: String
description: String
url: String
imageUrl: String
source: String
organizer: AppVolunteering_Organizer
location: String
latitude: Float
longitude: Float
topics: [String] @deprecated
skills: [String] @deprecated
topicsV2: [String]
skillsV2: [String]
matchedTopics: [String] @deprecated
matchedSkills: [String] @deprecated
matchedGeoLocationDistanceInMeters: Float @deprecated

Fields ● String scalar

AppVolunteering_Engagement.title ● String scalar

AppVolunteering_Engagement.description ● String scalar

AppVolunteering_Engagement.url ● String scalar

AppVolunteering_Engagement.imageUrl ● String scalar

AppVolunteering_Engagement.source ● String scalar

AppVolunteering_Engagement.organizer ● AppVolunteering_Organizer object

AppVolunteering_Engagement.location ● String scalar

AppVolunteering_Engagement.latitude ● Float scalar

AppVolunteering_Engagement.longitude ● Float scalar

AppVolunteering_Engagement.topics ● [String] deprecated list scalar


Use topicsV2 instead. (since v1.51)

An array of topic slugs matching the engagement. Ordered by confidence DESC (typically, may be subject to change).

AppVolunteering_Engagement.skills ● [String] deprecated list scalar


Use skillsV2 instead. (since v1.51)

An array of skill slugs matching the engagement. Ordered by confidence DESC (typically, may be subject to change).

AppVolunteering_Engagement.topicsV2 ● [String] list scalar

An array of topic V2 slugs matching the engagement. Ordered by confidence DESC (typically, may be subject to change).

AppVolunteering_Engagement.skillsV2 ● [String] list scalar

An array of skill V2 slugs matching the engagement. Ordered by confidence DESC (typically, may be subject to change).

AppVolunteering_Engagement.matchedTopics ● [String] deprecated list scalar


Use the identically named field in the EngagementReco type returned by the engagementRecos query instead. (since v1.34)

If this engagement is part of a recommendation query response, matchedTopics contains the slugs of matched topics. The order is defined as follows: 1) topics that were part of the query come first (sorted by matching confidence). 2) other topics the engagement matches (sorted by matching confidence)

AppVolunteering_Engagement.matchedSkills ● [String] deprecated list scalar


Use the identically named field in the EngagementReco type returned by the engagementRecos query instead. (since v1.34)

If this engagement is part of a recommendation query response, matchedSkills contains the slugs of matched skills. The order is defined as follows: 1) skills that were part of the query come first (sorted by matching confidence). 2) other topics the engagement matches (sorted by matching confidence)

AppVolunteering_Engagement.matchedGeoLocationDistanceInMeters ● Float deprecated scalar


Use the identically named field in the EngagementReco type returned by the engagementRecos query instead. (since v1.34)

If this engagement is part of a recommendation query response, matchedGeoLocationDistanceInMeters contains the distance (in meters) between the engagement and the location given in the query.

Returned By

appVolunteering_engagement query

Member Of

AppVolunteering_EngagementReco object ● AppVolunteering_EngagementsResponse object