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type AppVolunteering_EngagementReco {
engagement: AppVolunteering_Engagement!
matchedTopics: [String]
matchedSkills: [String]
matchedGeoLocationDistanceInMeters: Float


AppVolunteering_EngagementReco.engagement ● AppVolunteering_Engagement! non-null object

AppVolunteering_EngagementReco.matchedTopics ● [String] list scalar

Contains the slugs of matched topics. The order is defined as follows: 1) topics that were part of the query come first (sorted by matching confidence). 2) other topics the engagement matches (sorted by matching confidence)

AppVolunteering_EngagementReco.matchedSkills ● [String] list scalar

Contains the slugs of matched skills. The order is defined as follows: 1) skills that were part of the query come first (sorted by matching confidence). 2) other topics the engagement matches (sorted by matching confidence)

AppVolunteering_EngagementReco.matchedGeoLocationDistanceInMeters ● Float scalar

Contains the distance (in meters) between the engagement and the location given in the query.

Member Of

AppVolunteering_EngagementRecosResponse object