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input UpdateTaskInput {
taskId: UUID!
spaceId: UUID!
name: String!
description: String!
visibility: VisibilityType!
locationType: LocationType!
regularity: Regularity!
contactEmail: String!
slotsAvailable: Int
thumbnail: Upload
skills: [UUID]
location: String
geolocation: GeolocationPointInput
contactPhone: String


UpdateTaskInput.taskId ● UUID! non-null scalar

UpdateTaskInput.spaceId ● UUID! non-null scalar ● String! non-null scalar

UpdateTaskInput.description ● String! non-null scalar

UpdateTaskInput.visibility ● VisibilityType! non-null enum

UpdateTaskInput.locationType ● LocationType! non-null enum

UpdateTaskInput.regularity ● Regularity! non-null enum

UpdateTaskInput.contactEmail ● String! non-null scalar

UpdateTaskInput.slotsAvailable ● Int scalar

UpdateTaskInput.thumbnail ● Upload scalar

UpdateTaskInput.skills ● [UUID] list scalar

UpdateTaskInput.location ● String scalar

UpdateTaskInput.geolocation ● GeolocationPointInput input

UpdateTaskInput.contactPhone ● String scalar

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