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Authentication & Authorization

Authentication Overview

HOLI uses Ory Cloud as identity provider. Ory Cloud is a SaaS version of Ory Kratos and contains e.g. a database of users, APIs for registering, logging in & out, resetting passwords, etc.

HOLIs architecture relies on Ory Oathkeeper (a zero-trust reverse proxy) which ensures that all requests towards a backend service / HOLIs GraphQL API are either

  • authenticated (the request was made from a user with a valid account & session), or
  • anonymous

Authentication works differently for mobile and web:

  • Mobile: the session token are stored within a SecureStore after the user successfully logged in. When sending requests to the backend, the session token $TOKEN is attached to the requests using an HTTP header: Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN.
  • Web: the session token is stored within the user's browser as an HTTP-only secure cookie (which is not readable from JavaScript and thereby "secure"). The browser automatically includes the Cookie in every request sent to our NextJS api endpoint /api/graphql, which in turn forwards the request with the same Cookie to our unified api, going through Oathkeeper first. Please note: the cookie has domain-wide validity (i.e. every request to every subdomain of will include this cookie).
  • Anonymous requests must not include an Authorization header, nor an Ory session cookie. Requests containing either of the two with invalid data will fail.

Upon receiving a request

  • containing either Authorization header or an Ory session cookie, Oathkeeper will validate the user's session with Ory Cloud and forward it to the configured backend service. The request to the backend service will have the request headers X-Holi-User-ID and X-Holi-User-Email set to allow a backend system to identify the current requests user identity. Alternatively, Oathkeeper can be configured to issue JWT tokens instead of attaching request headers.
  • containing neither an Authorization header, nor an Ory session cookie, Oathkeeper will forward the request to the configured backend services with the request headers X-Holi-User-ID: anonymous and X-Holi-User-Email: anonymous.

Networking Security

To enforce security within the backend realm, all backend services are contained within a virtual private network on Google Cloud. Networking rules ensure that traffic may only enter via the Oathkeeper service. An additional layer of security can be achieved by using JWT tokens instead of relying on X-Holi-User-ID / X-Holi-User-Emailheaders (currently not implemented but planned).